February Newsletter
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to 2024! Hope you all had a lovely summer break and were able to recharge ready for the year ahead. If you’re anything like me, you spent the summer feasting on delicious summer fruits and spending time with loved ones.

Suddenly, however, it’s February and it’s time to get stuck back into it. We are already hard at work, here at Peregrine, preparing some excellent learning resources for you. The first to mention is our podcast episode, which dropped on the 15th of Feb. The next in our Getting Started With series, this chat with David Newman introduces listeners to the wonderful world of Narrative Therapy. Don’t forget to check out the rest of the episodes in our series if you want to learn more about getting stuck into CBT, ACT, DBT and more.
At the moment, we are pleased to see so many of your attending our face-to-face workshops with Nikki Butler entitled “Beyond Self-Care: Mental Fitness for Rural Practice”. The workshops in both Wagga and Nowra both received great feedback and we look forward to Orange and Tamworth later in the month. As always, more details are on the Peregrine Portal. On Feb 27th, don’t miss our partnership with StandBy in Batemans Bay – “What Do I Say For Postvention?”. It can incredibly hard to know how to help those who have been bereaved by suicide, yet we know these grieving people are at an increased risk of dying by suicide themselves. That is why we are very pleased to support StandBy in bringing this free training to The Bay. Finally, you heard it here first – we are just about to open registrations for a two-day in person workshop in Goulburn with Chloe Macdonald and Margaret Goldfinch on family therapy in early June. This is a incredibly well-regarded workshop, with some really engaging and talented trainers, aimed at practitioners who are interested in converting their skills in individual work into a systemic practice. As usual, the workshop will be free of charge and fully catered so we expect that places will go fast. Keep your eyes peeled for a flyer in your inbox very soon!
And no February newsletter would be complete without mentioning that Small Project Grants close on March 1st! There is $400,000 in research funds for implementation focused projects this year so don’t miss out on your chance to apply. If you are one of over 80 people who have made use of our Building Research Capacity Workbook , don’t forget to give us some feedback on this new resource. It’s been so wonderful to see this resource being so well utilised by so many enthusiastic practitioners and researchers. We would love to hear about your experience so we can make it even better next year!
That’s all from me for now. Hoping you are all managing this unpredictable weather and are ready for another year of learning and researching together.
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