Getting Started with Behavioural Interventions


Long thought of as “basic”, Behavioural Interventions have been shown by the research to be incredibly powerful tools in the right circumstances. However, successful Behavioural Interventions can be far trickier than they first appear. Understanding how to fully utilise these principles can transform your work with those suffering from depression, anxiety and other common difficulties. Join Peregrine Director, Dr Rebecca Sng, as she chats with fellow Peregrine team member Prof Frank Deane about the “art” of Behavioural Interventions.

Book: Behavior Modification: What it is and how to do it (10th edition) by Martin & Pear.  This book provides practical introduction to behaviour modification principles and techniques. It covers various behavioural interventions, including reinforcement, shaping, and token economies. There are also books that are disorder specific, such as for depression, anxiety and panic, and obsessive compulsive disorder. A comprehensive list of disorder specific manuals can be found here.

Website: The Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy (AABCT). AABCT has valuable resources, including articles, videos, and conference materials, on various behavioural interventions and therapies.

YouTube Channel: Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)

Journals and Research Articles are a good place to get into the current research. Frank recommends the following:

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Book: Behavior Modification: What it is and how to do it (10th edition) by Martin & Pear.  This book provides practical introduction to behaviour modification principles and techniques. It covers various behavioural interventions, including reinforcement, shaping, and token economies. There are also books that are disorder specific, such as for depression, anxiety and panic, and obsessive compulsive disorder. A comprehensive list of disorder specific manuals can be found here.

Website: The Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy (AABCT). AABCT has valuable resources, including articles, videos, and conference materials, on various behavioural interventions and therapies.

YouTube Channel: Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)

Journals and Research Articles are a good place to get into the current research. Frank recommends the following:

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