Working Well in Multidisciplinary Teams


A multidisciplinary team (MDT) is a group of health professionals from different disciplines working together to care for the multiple needs of a consumer. This toolkit is an introduction to some ideas on working well in an MDT, including what you can do to help your MDT function well, how your team can get on the same page, and what to do when things go awry.

This resource was developed for the Rural Mental Health Partnership by Dr Caitlin Miller at The Peregrine Centre. The Rural Mental Health Partnership is funded by NSW Ministry of Health. We thank Ken Morgan (Chair, Family Systems Institute) and NSW Ministry of Health for their valuable contributions to this resource.

The following resource is designed for mental health practitioners working in rural or regional NSW.

This is an introduction to working in MDTs and is not exhaustive nor designed as a manual. It is not designed to replace clinical decision making or specialised training. We encourage all practitioners who are working in this space to seek training and engage in professional supervision and reflective practice.

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