Working with Older Adults Experiencing Mental Health Concerns


Many older adults may present with mental health concerns similar to other age groups, and general mental health assessment and intervention skills will be useful for this population. There are also unique challenges that become more common with age. These can include comorbid physical illnesses, bereavement, cognitive decline or impairment, transition to retirement or to assisted living arrangements, and end of life planning. This practice toolkit contains information and resources to support your practice and develop skills and knowledge for working with older people experiencing mental health concerns.

This resource was developed for the Rural Mental Health Partnership by Dr Caitlin Miller at The Peregrine Centre. The Rural Mental Health Partnership is funded by NSW Health. We thank Lea Harvey, Associate Professor Roderick McKay and NSW Health Mental Health Branch for their valuable contributions to this resource.

The following resource is designed for mental health practitioners working in rural or regional NSW who have not completed specific training in working with older adults but may be treatment providers for this population.

This is an introduction to working with older adults and is not exhaustive nor designed as a treatment manual. It is not designed to replace clinical decision making or specific training. We encourage all practitioners who are working with older adults to seek training in evidence-based treatments and engage in professional supervision and reflective practice.

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